Grandma and Grandpa pencil drawing week four

Hello, its hard to believe, but I am starting the fourth week working on the pencil portrait of my Grandma and Grandpa Dillard. I am now entering the finishing stages of the drawings. My objective moving forward will be to continue adjusting value of the lights and dark areas of the drawing to add a better sense of depth. Also, I want to ensure everything is even and does not look muddy. What I mean, is if an area that should be all one value and it actually is a mix of some lighter and darker values, it will look muddy. This can really be noticeable in the lighter areas of the portrait like the forehead, cheeks, and chin. One more thing that I want to work on is the gradients that go from dark to light to ensure I smooth transitions where I need them. Basically, I am looking at getting the details correct. This is a slow process, but I find it to be very relaxing.

I want to give you a heads up that next week, I will be shifting gears a little. Tina and I are going to be taking the trailer out camping. With the size of the drawing, I will be leaving it at home so I will be back to my sketch pad for the week. I have not decided what I am going to be working on yet but will figure that out as I go. Just looking forward to spending time with Tina and not having to worry about all the stress of work.

Well, I am going to keep this short this week because I have to get some stuff done around the house before we leave. I hope everyone has a good week. Please leave any comments below on how you think the drawing is going or just to say hi.


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